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480p Movies

Now You See Me 2 2016 PROPER 480p BluRay x264-TFPDL

Now You See Me 2 2016 PROPER 480p BluRay x264-TFPDL
After fleeing from a stage show, the illusionists (Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson) known as the Four Horsemen find themselves in more trouble in Macau, China. Devious tech wizard Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe) forces the infamous magicians to steal a powerful chip that can control all of the world’s computers. Meanwhile, vengeful FBI agent Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo) hatches his own plot against Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman), the man he blames for the death of his father.
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The Watchman 2016 480p HDTV x264-TFPDL

The Watchman 2016 480p HDTV x264-TFPDL
Carl is a security officer, watching the local streets on a bank of CCTVs. A kindly man he is unable to prevent a female suicide and, when he reports a group of drug pushers he is rebuffed by a patronizing policewoman who claims the force are too busy to investigate. He enlists his colleague Lee to frame them but Lee only steals their money and, after a visit from teen-aged daughter Kelly, upset following a row with his unfaithful wife Sandy, Carl finds that the criminals have abducted Lee and mean him harm. With no official back-up Carl puts himself on the line to effect justice.
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