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Tag Archives: Hannibal

Download Hannibal S02E13 HDTV x264

Hannibal S02E13 HDTV x264
Download Hannibal S02E13 HDTV x264
Episode Name: Mizumono
THE TRAP FOR HANNIBAL HAS BEEN SET, BUT WHOSE SIDE IS WILL REALLY ON? Hannibal prepares for his imminent departure with, he believes, Will. Will prepares for a departure of another sort, tying up loose ends, not sure if he’ll survive the trap he’s set for Hannibal. Both men feel that Jack deserves the truth, but what is that truth? Loyalties will be tested and forgiveness will be asked… and the inevitable battle between Hannibal and Jack is upon them.
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Download Hannibal S02E12 HDTV x264

Hannibal S02E12 HDTV x264
Download Hannibal S02E12 HDTV x264
Episode Name: Tome-wan
In a therapy session, Will imagines how he would kill Hannibal, honestly sharing his visions, and oddly bolstering their co-dependency. Later, in a session with Mason Verger, Hannibal discusses Margot’s unfortunate “accident” and other veiled threats. Jack grows impatient with Will’s progress on catching Hannibal, and brings in a surprise witness from the past to help. And when Hannibal’s life is threatened, Will must decide whether to come to his aid, and give Hannibal the opportunity for revenge.
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